Minutes: October 2024
October 5, 2024 HMTA-PTF Meeting
Location: Lehman Auditorium, Recital Hall, EMU
Members of the HMTA hospitality committee gathered at 9:15 AM to set up the refreshment table. Thomas Crouch, Chyh Leng Low, and Julia White contributed to today's spread; other hospitality volunteers will contribute at future meetings. Prior to the start of the meeting members were invited to sign a card in appreciation for Dr. Olmenchenko's guest presentation. President Paulo Steinberg began the meeting promptly at 10 AM. Twelve members attended today's meeting. The first order of business was electing the new secretary, Esther Nyberg, to the HMTA board. Next, Dr. Steinberg introduced guest presenter Dr. Kira Olmenchenko, JMU's newly appointed orchestra conductor, who presented on "Encouraging Student Musicianship and Expression through Creative Approaches." Dr. Olmenchenko engaged her audience by discussing the various ways a teacher can awaken creativity and imaginative expression in musical performance (e.g. Laban efforts, acting exercises and facial expressions of different emotions, improvisation games, putting lyrics to melodies, etc.). A brief Q & A session followed, and the presentation ended at 11:15 AM, after which members continued to chat and enjoy refreshments.
--Esther Marija, HMTA-PTF Secretary